
9 automation testing tools to consider for web applications in 2018

The year 2017 saw an impressive number of important events as far as UI automation testing tools go.

In 2017, we witnessed the end of developer support for Selenium IDE and PhantomJS. We’ve also had a full year to evaluate how the 2016’s acquisition by Micro Focus has influenced UFT. Finally, the releases of Angular 5 and React Fiber have introduced new challenges for QAs, making GUI testing tools even more relevant.

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Al in Software Testing: Artificial Intelligence Testing Methods and Tools

The advent of AI in software testing is imminent. When asked what part of the software delivery cycle needs artificial intelligence the most, most people name software testing. Mainstream media like Forbes herald the future of AI-driven testing. What’s more, associations like AISTA emerge to advance AI in testing automation.

So is it time to panic?:) Are testers going to lose their jobs soon? My guess is there’s still plenty of time before Skynet takes over…

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Manual testing checklist for web applications

Go to manual testing checklists | Download the Manual Testing Checklist PDF.

Here’s a fun fact: manual testing accounts for ~75% of functional tests. Let that sink in for a moment. In our brave Agile world that lives by the motto “automate everything”, we only automate 25% of functional testing. Why does this happen?

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Manual vs automation testing of the UI

Image credit: Freepik

Speaking of manual vs automation testing, which one do you prioritize on the GUI level? Most teams that I’ve seen want automation but start with manual testing in the early stages of product development. Later on, they add the automation of UI/UX happy paths with Selenium, Protractor, or other frameworks, gradually reducing the number of manual tests.

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UI testing automation tools and frameworks

When it comes to UI testing automation tools, there’s no shortage of options to choose from. Test automation frameworks, desktop applications, cloud-based platforms — the range of available solutions is broad, to say the least. But which one is right for your application?

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9 regression testing tools for web automation

What regression testing tools will you actually want to use in your future projects? I bet Selenium will remain a go-to solution for many, even though the framework will celebrate its 14th birthday this year. But does this make it the right choice for test automation in 2018? In my opinion, it’s not necessarily the case.

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5 strategies to reduce software testing costs

Source: Parasoft

Ever wondered how much software testing costs tech companies? According to Cambridge University, the global annual spend on testing exceeds $300 billion. Software testing takes up 25–40% of a typical IT budget, gravitating towards 40% in 2018.

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User acceptance testing (UAT) automation

User acceptance testing is your last line of defence before each release, which sounds like a good reason to take UAT seriously. But is this reason good enough to warrant investing time and effort into UAT automation?

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Lean testing automation in 2018: what are the key challenges?

If you were to characterise lean testing with a single phrase, what would it be? I’d use a motto you’ve probably heard: think big, act small, fail fast, and learn rapidly. As an integral process of lean software development, lean testing is an approach that values effectiveness above all. It prioritizes flexibility and adaptability over schedules, documentation, and clearly-defined roles.

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What is happy path testing and why is it bad for you?

If you’ve been following this blog, I’m sure you’ve stumbled across one or two articles that mention happy path testing of the UI. If that’s right, you probably know that we, the folks at Screenster, aren’t too excited about happy paths in UI testing automation.

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